- A South African Journey: Offshore & Onshore Decommissioning Guideline
- AACE Class 4 Decommissioning Engineering, Planning and Deterministic, and Probabilistic Cost Estimation for BK Field
- AKAL-N Decommissioning Project
- Alvheim FPSO and Subsea Infrastructure
- ASCOPE Decommissioning Guidelines
- Bayu-Undan Wells
- Bijapura & Salema Decommissioning Cost Estimates
- BP Southern North Sea
- Brae B Facilities
- Carpinteria Field
- Dana and D30 Decommissioning
- Ekofisk 2/4-G Decommissioning Plan and Environmental Impact Assessment
- Elly, Ellen & Eureka
- ExxonMobil Global Decommissioning
- Genel Energy’s Taq Taq Field Onshore Decommissioning
- Gobe Fields
- Harriet Joint Venture Well Assets
- Heather Hub Decommissioning – Phase 1
- HESS’s Southeast Asia Assets
- Hod Norway
- Ichthys & Prelude FLNG
- Iwaki Decommissioning
- Lu Feng Platform Class 5 Decommissioning Cost Estimate & Cost Benchmarking
- North West Hutton
- Norway Decommissioning Pilot Study
- Onshore Rajasthan Mangala
- PetroSA’s Offshore and Onshore Assets
- Q-Chem, Q-Chem II, and RLOC Petrochemical Plants
- Shell Decommissioning Strategy
- Thailand’s Decommissioning Cost Estimation System Guideline
- United Nations Taxation Guideline for Worldwide Decommissioning
- Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP)
- Amerada Hess
- Amoco
- Asean Council on Petroleum (ASCOPE)
- Beta Offshore
- BP
- BP Amoco
- BPMigas
- Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resource (IBAMA)
- British Gas
- Brunei Shell Petroleum
- Cairn
- Chevron
- Chevron Phillips Chemical Company
- Conoco
- ConocoPhillips
- Department of Mineral Fuels (DMF)
- Elf
- Encana
- Energean
- EnQuest
- Enterprise Oil
- Eon
- ExxonMobil
- Genel Energy
- Ghana National Petroleum Authority (NPA)
- Halliburton
- Iwaki
- JX Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration
- Lao State Fuel Company
- London and Scottish Marine Oil (LASMO)
- Marathon Oil
- Ministry of Mines and Energy Cambodia
- Mobil
- Mubadala Petroleum
- Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise
- National Offshore Petroleum SAfety & Environmental MAnagement Authority (NOPSEMA)
- Newfield
- Nippon Steel
- Oil Search Ltd
- Pacific Energy
- Pacific Operators Offshore
- Petoro
- Petrobras
- Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex)
- Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA)
- Petroleum Brunei
- Petrorio
- PetroSA
- PetroVietnam
- Philippine National Oil Company
- PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP)
- Quadrant Energy
- Rosneft
- Santos Ltd
- Shell
- Signal Hill
- Singapore LNG
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
- Talisman Energy
- TotalEnergies
- Tullow Oil
- United Nations ESCAP
- Woodside Energy