The Department of Mineral Fuels (DMF) regulates offshore decommissioning in Thailand. JST Group (JST) agreed with the DMF to develop standards for decommissioning offshore oil and gas facilities, with Reverse Engineering Services Ltd (RESL) as a subcontractor.
The challenge included improving the regulator’s access to the data necessary for informed decision-making for the future decommissioning of 256 platforms, 4 FPSO, multiple subsea facilities, 132 pipelines and flowlines, and 953 well P&A projects. The work included assessing the market capability within Thailand to meet the decommissioning challenge, which maximises local content, and laying out a decommissioning management system to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the regulator.
This wide-ranging project covered 11 scopes of work to strengthen the regulator’s capacity to meet its objectives. Working in an integrated manner with JST and the DMF project team, we developed and wrote a series of decommissioning guidelines based on a thorough review of the country’s laws and regulations.
The guidelines formed a component of the Decommissioning Management System, which was designed and tested with the DMF to ensure it was fit for the purpose. RESL also led a DMF team to prepare a Decommissioning Master Plan to improve proactive decommissioning planning at a regulatory level, including growing local market capability.
Phase 1: Interpreting the law and regulations for decommissioning projects (2011-2014)

Phase 2: Application of the law and regulation for decommissioning and well P&A projects, including capability management (2017-2018)