RESL and our Malaysian partner, Tidal Resources Sdn Bhd, collaborated on decommissioning Dana and D30 for PCPP Operating Co Ltd (a joint company between PETRONAS, PERTAMINA and PetroVietnam). The project achieved a significant milestone in offshore decommissioning. Our innovative approach, leveraging the D30 WHSF and Dana LWS and expedited regulatory approvals, resulted in a successful rigs-to-reef project, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable solutions and client satisfaction.

This project was also a milestone in that the ASCOPE Decommissioning Guideline (ADG) was first applied to develop the Best Practical Environmental Option Assessment (BPEOA) for decommissioning Dana and D30 minimum facilities and PLEM in Malaysian waters.

The application of the ADG BPEOA process approved reefing for the two stripped decks and two jackets at an approved location within five weeks. The pipeline was left in situ.