Bayu-Undan Wells

The Bayu-Undan field is in the Australia-Timor-Leste Joint Production Development Area, administered by the Timor-Leste Authorities.  It is a significant gas and condensate resource discovered in 1995 and has undergone substantial development since then. ConocoPhillips operates the Bayu-Undan field.

RESL completed a 6-month independent abandonment review of ConocoPhillips Australia’s well portfolio at Bayu-Undan. The scope of work included an assessment of the abandonment methodologies required to comply with local regulations and the client’s wish to comply with the UK’s oil and gas guidelines for well abandonment.

A comprehensive analysis was conducted across three distinct well P&A cases, encompassing a review of pertinent legal requirements and their subsequent interpretation. Thorough risk assessments were performed for each case to mitigate potential risks. A detailed Class 5 cost estimate was prepared for all three cases for 29 wells, facilitating informed decision-making.

  • Subsea Wells: 2 producers and 6 suspended exploration wells
  • Platform Wells: 21 wells across 2 facilities

RESL was subsequently invited to update this work twice, demonstrating the trusted relationship we had built with all partners and regulators.

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